Playing God

Around 10 years ago, I had recently got married and we wanted to start a family. Long story short, my wife Alyssa and I were trying naturally and it just was not happening.

During that time I had spoken with my dad (Ron Lindner) and we were doing some research into in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is where you take the egg and the semen out and you mix that outside of the body until it starts multiplying, then you put that back into the body.

I ran this by my dad and he was naturally suspicious about it. He told me that the process of in vitro was playing God.

I thought about what he said and it does sound kind of different, however, I’d a different perspective. I asked him if he had a heart valve that was failing, would you just commit to accepting, well that’s it, I’m checking out. Or if you broke your leg, would you just say that’s it, it is what it it, and not go get help from medical professionals?

My dad thought about it and eventually did a complete 180 and was completely committed to IVF and when my dad does a 180 he does a 180 and he was so committed to IVF after that — not only financially but spiritually supported us.

I believe that faith and science work together in concert and I know, many people, including Al Lindner with my Aunt Mary’s long history of health issues. I thank the Lord we have two beautiful healthy kids now.