A Long Life

In a given year, I read many books, magazines, and papers that people in a full-time ministry mostly write. I’m regularly into the Bible—it’s part of my daily life, just like fishing.

As many of you might not know, I served in Vietnam. I was in there from 1965 to 1966, and we were one of the first ones in. I was in the First Battalion 40th Artillery, and we went up to the DMZ, and we served as support for the Marines, and I spent 11 months on the DMZ.

In a current issue of Victory Magazine was an article about “A Long-Lasting Life” that caught my attention!

It reads: Some years ago, while we were in the city, a friend who was us army special forces commander came to Glory In Me for prayer, just before he was about to be deployed. The unit he’d been assigned to had experienced extremely high casualty rates, and he wanted us to agree with him in faith
for divine protection.

I instructed him to do the same thing I had heard a company commander had done during World War I.

He had every man in his unit memorize Psalm 91 (the entire chapter). He ordered them to learn every verse so well that when he walked up to one of them and said Verse 2, or Verse 6, every soldier would be able to quote it.

The commander made it ALL THE WAY THROUGH World War I without losing a single soldier.

Every man in his unit went right through the middle of combat and came out alive.

Keith, I want you to follow that example. He agreed and promised to let me know — when he returned from his deployment — how things went.

Two years later, at about 2:30 a.m., the telephone rings. Jarred awake, I grabbed and heard Keith’s voice.

He said, “Brother Kenneth, I apologize for calling so early, but I just got back, and I couldn’t wait to call you! I didn’t lose ONE SINGLE SOLDER, and not one even got seriously hurt!”


How powerful is the scripture in the Word of God!

If you really believe it, it’s miracle-making, it can change your life, it can bless your life, and it could give you life.